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My up-close-and-personal conversation with vector diagnostics inc

My up-close-and-personal conversation with vector diagnostics inc
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vector diagnostics inc

Howvector diagnostics inctovector diagnostics incanalysisvector diagnostics incthevector diagnostics inctestvector diagnostics increportsvector diagnostics incbyvector diagnostics incthevector diagnostics inc6vector diagnostics inccolors?

Howvector diagnostics inctovector diagnostics incanalysisvector diagnostics incthevector diagnostics inctestvector diagnostics increportsvector diagnostics incbyvector diagnostics incthevector diagnostics inc6vector diagnostics inccolors?

1vector diagnostics inc–vector diagnostics incNormalvector diagnostics incState
2vector diagnostics inc–vector diagnostics incStandardvector diagnostics incCondition
3vector diagnostics inc–vector diagnostics incRestrictedvector diagnostics incState
4vector diagnostics inc–vector diagnostics incSeriousvector diagnostics incDisordersvector diagnostics incState
5vector diagnostics inc–vector diagnostics incWeakvector diagnostics incState
6vector diagnostics inc–vector diagnostics incAbnormalvector diagnostics incCondition
(Sub-healthvector diagnostics incstatus)

vector diagnostics inc

13 Functions are only in thevector diagnostics inc softare

13 Functions are only in thevector diagnostics inc softare :

1.The standards groups setting.
2. Fixing the three selected research schemes.
3. Automatic determination of the entropy index.
4. Auto META-Therapy
5.Can choose scanning speed
6.More convenient customer management .
7.More flexible Diagnostic report editing .
8.More intuitive diagnostic report .
9.More research scheme.
10.More Comparison of the database.
11.Faster scanning speed .
12.Accurate anatomic structures.
13.User friendly.

vector diagnostics inc

How to check Aura and Chakra 8d nls Full Body Scan Analyzer vector diagnostics inc

How to check Aura and Chakra 8d nls Full Body Scan Analyzer vector diagnostics inc

Q: How do biological systems recognize and isolate the necessary information from the background noise and in what manner do extra- and intracellular communications take place?

The research on energy fields around plants and animals done at the Institute has brought to conclusion that there exists an extremely weak low-frequency vortex magnetic field around biological systems. In try-ing to figure out the world of energy fields of living organisms we drew close to the comprehension of the biofield phenomenon which people have known from time immemoria l, with some of the evidence found in the Yajur – Veda and traditional Chinese medicine.

•The scientific discoveries underlying this method are a technological addition to the centuries-old Oriental medicine based on energy conceptions of acupuncture as a means of the biological system control. If we turn to the Chinese meridian system we will leam of the mysterious tsi flux which in energy terms reminds us of a coherent photon flux

The NLS system shows functuats according to the principle of amplification of the initiating signal with the disintegration of metastable systems involved. In terms of physics the vector diagnostics inc is a system of electronic oscillators resonating at the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation whose energy is equivalent to the energy breaking down the dominant bonds that maintain the structural organization of theorganism under investigation.

vector diagnostics inc

What vector diagnostics inc SPECIFICATIONS:

What vector diagnostics inc SPECIFICATIONS:

Software with Lifetime of Software Upgrades

Internal frequency generator

Incoming signal filter

Resonance chamber

Accurate anatomic structures

Histological virtual models

Metapathia GR Professional



vector diagnostics inc

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