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Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme
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About the Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

The Institute’s research has created a simulant-free investigation system that can track any condition in the human body by altering the fluctuating properties of human tissues. Non-linear analysis system (NLS) is the most advanced information technology available in this century and can be considered as the most outstanding and beneficial achievement of modern natural sciences. The diagnostic equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is very unique and unparalleled in today’s world.

The hardware-software system “Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme”, developed by the Institute of Applied Psychophysics, is capable of generating a predetermined bioelectrical activity of brain neurons, against the background of which it is possible to selectively amplify the undetectable statistical fluctuations, then isolate and decode the information contained therein.

In a way, the Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme takes the orientation of this radiation to the location of its origin, decodes it and displays it on a computer screen, where a virtual model of the organ is generated in a specific color.

The computer model also provides the physician with a three-dimensional projection of the internal organs. The colored markings on the images make it easier for the physician to identify the site of the pathological process. By comparing the color range of the markers and their arrangement on the computer model of the organ, and using the dynamics of change over time, the process of breaking down these biological structures can be determined and a prognosis can be made. .

In order to define the pathology of an area, it is necessary to study the computer generated organs on the screen at a deeper level until the lesion is localized.

The Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme® system is based on “Nonlinear Systems Analysis” (NLS) and is MPG Class IIa certified.

The Institute’s research has succeeded in producing the most effective device, which is capable of automatically adjusting the frequency of the main pulses without human intervention and of detecting and correcting defects and pathologies in organs and body cells on its own. This is achieved through the combination of different specially modulated magnetic oscillations recorded on a matrix. The basic concept in the development of the device was the assumption that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework capable of responding to external radiation.

In 1950, R. Folle discovered and designed a system for electrical testing of human acupuncture points in Germany.

Unlike Folle’s electroporation diagnostic method, which measured the electrical potential of organs and systems by indirectly indicating the condition of the organ (often with considerable error) by its bioactive points (BAPs), the Institute of Practical Psychophysics developed the NLS analysis method to assess the condition of organs directly due to resonant amplification of the radiation signal of the organ under investigation using non-invasive trigger sensors. Each organ and each cell has its own unique oscillations, which are stored in computer memory and can be displayed graphically on the screen, which represents the conditions of information exchange between the organ (tissue) and the environment. Each pathological process has its own unique graph.

The program contains many diagrams of pathological processes and shows all the stages in progress, taking into account age, sex and other variations. After reading the frequency signatures of the biological objects to be studied, the system compares their spectral similarities with healthy or pathologically affected tissues or infected bodies to obtain the closest approximation of the pathological process or trend. In cases where the processes are similar, the virtual diagnostic model allows for differential diagnosis of each process.

Another excellent opportunity provided by NLS analysis is medical testing. The system provides a unique opportunity to record the frequency fluctuations of any preparation and add them to the thousands of fluctuations already in the database. The system then searches for a drug with the most pathological process spectral profile and selects the most effective one.

Even in very rare cases where clinical symptoms are very typical, the NLS diagnostic method can look at additional information about the amplitude of the defect and determine the prognosis. In most cases, it is of primary importance for rapid prognosis and correct treatment selection.

The inventor of the NLS diagnostic system (“Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme”) is considered to be the scholar Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov, who invented the trigger sensor in 1988 and thus found the idea for the system.

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

What are the main features of the Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme?

Human Health Analyzer Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme Description – The Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme Analyzer is designed to help people take control of their health. Mothers, students, doctors, teachers, nurses, etc. can fully use the device to balance stress. Updated with 450 Health System Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme key features.

1, more than a dozen human organ classifications, with more than 450 additional organs available for scan site identification.
2, showing current changes in the structure and function of the human body and the degree of impairment.
3, which can cause tissue damage and which disease or susceptibility is currently understood.
4, Thermodynamic analysis showing the current changes in the structure and function of the body and the degree of impairment.
5, to be able to understand currents caused by tissue destruction by viruses, bacteria or parasites, and to be able to analyse the in vivo activity of microorganisms in their current state.
6, cellular or genetic analysis of strains that can understand tissues with a higher sensitivity to frequency response.
7, to be able to understand the damage to tissue cells that are currently best suited to the drug or health food ingredient.
8, energy recovery, energy replication frequency fine-tuning, etc.

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Is Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme or Metatherapy harmful?

No. You can sit in a comfortable chair with padded “ear/headset-like” headphones.
You can sit in a comfortable chair with padded “ear/headset-like” headphones.
Children can read a book or watch a cartoon if needed to help them sit properly for a set period of time.


Is Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme safe?

Is. Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme does not use harmful substances to analyze any energy changes in the body. There are no known adverse side effects. Non-linear scanning (NLS) devices (such as The Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme) are recognized worldwide as the safest method for scanning living organisms. The Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme has been approved by the European CE and US FDA.

Although nonlinear scanning is safer than some other medical diagnostic methods, if you have a pacemaker or internal defibrillator, it is recommended that you do not undergo Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme analysis or Metatherapy.

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Who can use Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme?

Doctors, including family doctors
Hospitals and clinics
Educational institutions
nursing homes
Gymnasiums, stadiums and various recreation departments
Spas, Beauty Centers and Beauty Facilities
Replacement of health practitioners
Reiki Practitioner

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

Metatron Metapathia nls Systeme

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